Howdy Folks!

Thank you for checking out This is my site for stories I have told, written in the past or am currently working on. I have always wanted to write a book, but the project never took off – it was just too daunting and overwhelming for me. So I decided to make this short…

By Charles R. Bucklin July 19, 2019 Off

Cheap Date

Yep, she called me a jerk! And a creep and an asshole. But even worse she called me cheap. Not to my face mind you. No, it was all done later behind my back. But the result was damning and it effectively ended my social life at Chico State. So let me rewind my story…

By Charles R. Bucklin April 8, 2024 0

Pick Me!

No one had ever done it before. Pledged the Deltas TWICE in a year. You had to be utterly stupid or a masochist. Perhaps a merry combination of the two. Ah, but I wanted to belong. I was young, and fresh out of a little town called Cupertino, a place no one had ever heard…

By Charles R. Bucklin March 10, 2024 Off

Teddy! Have Mop Will Travel!!

“Oh, Dear God No!” I thought. It can’t be – but it was. Yep, I should’ve checked my calendar alright.  Cause it was Senior Discount Day at Willies, our local market. Which was the absolute most crazy and dare I say hazardous time where all Seniors in my area descended upon our little gourmet grocery…

By Charles R. Bucklin February 5, 2024 Off

A Little Ice Cream

Every Sunday when he was at home my Old Man would take us out for a Sunday night dinner at his Country Club of which he was a member. Dressed in our best clothes and prepped to be on our best behavior – Matty and I were herded into the Club restaurant, where once seated…

By Charles R. Bucklin December 4, 2023 Off

Behold, Excalibur!

Things were a little more physical when I was a kid. What I mean is that it seemed like we played harder, got dirtier, and somehow survived all the bumps and bruises from roughhousing back then. Parents were more physical in disciplining their kids as they often engaged in smacking or spanking their children when…

By Charles R. Bucklin November 6, 2023 Off

Fangs for the Memories

It couldn’t be true. Could it? Ah yes, but it was. And all of us kids could all feel it. There were signs and omens you see. It was 1965 and another school year was already underway at Louise Van Meter Elementary and the leaves were beginning to turn crimson and gold. The heavenly perfume…

By Charles R. Bucklin October 9, 2023 Off

You Made Me Cry

Step forward and be recognized, Sir Charleton,” said Queen Raquelina.” Hitching my sword belt to a more comfortable position over my washboard stomach I strode forward to be honored by my beloved Lady and patron. My six-foot broadsword clanked noisily over the flagstones as I made my way up to the royal dais. Just as…

By Charles R. Bucklin September 5, 2023 Off

Love Handles

The most dreaded question contains just five words. This question has ended relationships, created rifts between couples, and heck I bet it has started wars and even toppled Empires! Even the strongest he-men when asked this question have been turned into cowering weaklings. And Einsteins have been reduced to gibbering idiots when confronted by this…

By Charles R. Bucklin August 7, 2023 Off

Pullin’ Weeds

I hate weed. Actually, I hated weeding when I was a kid. It was one of my “childhood chores” I had to perform when my Old Man was home on the weekends. And ya know no matter how hard I tried, I could never get all of the damn stuff out of the ground. There…

By Charles R. Bucklin July 3, 2023 Off